Upcoming Workshop: Water 2

Saturday February 11, 2023

1 - 4 pm EST

Giving Tree Yoga Studio: Smyrna, Georgia

& Online via Zoom

presented by:

Think about what happens when...

…you feel really on track with your health care

...your exercise feels less like a routine and more like a 'wow' of increased energy

…your increased energy empowers your ability & desire to stretch & strengthen more

…your energy is activated, the body is nourished, and now you can move into stillness

EmPowerFlow Yoga refreshes cells, bones, muscles & energy centers/chakras. Mind & body begin to work more together. Then you feel 'more together.' Emotions are soothed.

Meditation becomes easier & deeper.

Might these be the results you want?

This upcoming workshop is focused on a primary component of the body and emotions: water.

This component is often overlooked in routine health and exercise programs. Do you drink lots of water but don't really feel much better? Those stiff, hurt, inflamed, or injured areas have a tough time receiving the hydration they need, keeping energy levels low and frustration high.

Here's the thing, to truly hydrate our cells and tissues, there must be open pathways for the water to flow. You can make a difference by opening the body and making space through EmPowerFlow Yoga.

We focus on the three primary reservoirs of water:

  •   Feet

  •   Generatives

  •   Breasts

  • The second energy center aka chakra which empowers all of these.

Through meditation, video illustration, and movement, you will empower your personal connection to the inherent wisdom to hydrate body, heart and spirit.

Based on the energy principles of Dr. Randolph Stone, Hatha Yoga, and mindful breath, EmPowerFlow taps into the organic, restorative wisdom of our being.

Testimonial from Water 1

“I should have waited a few days before I told you how your intensive worked for me. It has started a whole new alignment within me . The integration of what KK said and showed and your work and poses is still happening. I love that the more work I do the more I get out of simple things. I often do the pyramid, but just taking the time to integrate it made all the difference. Thanks!”


EmPowerflow Yoga, based on the energy principles of Polarity Therapy and Hatha Yoga, helps us tap into, activate and elevate these tough places.  As fibers begin to loosen, energy moves and a new awareness begins to rise.  We are deeply inspired to take this work to the next step towards greater inner freedom on so many levels.

Most important is to know that our spirit is always calling for more freedom, more peace, more expansion; More, more, and more. Our nature is to grow as co-creators in a universe of infinite possibilities.

Commit to your best. The New Year is here!
Register now for in person or Zoom
Plus receive a bonus gift of recorded video - all for $81.

Invitation from KK and Eleanora

“I look forward to being with you all again in February! In our last session we found water and discovered some of its hidden gifts. This coming session we will build a strong, peaceful, and respectful well, empowering our inner home, filling the well and making water available as we need.”


You may take Water 2 without having been in Water 1. We recommend you purchase the recording of Water 1 by contacting Donna Futrell at donna@pathsforwholeness.com or 678-230-3452.

“As always, I love hearing from you and love to know how you are doing. Wherever your heart guides you, take very good care of your precious self. With love beyond measure,”


Eleanora Lipton

Hatha Yoga, Polarity Therapy, and meditation has been Eleanora’s path for decades.  EmPowerFlow Yoga has evolved as the integration of these practices.  Her insight and skill simplify the process of moving into poses appropriate to your body’s current condition. Understanding that your body has gotten you to Here and Now, with a great dose of compassion, will truly move you forward with more grace and ease.

For more on Eleanora, EmPowerFlow classes, and Polarity Plus Tea visit:

Karen ‘KK’ Kerns

Having an educated background in both science and energy, KK brings a wealth of knowledge, skill and special insight to becoming more self-realized.  Her passion is to discover the consciousness that is the body, that is the mind, and is the spirit for cultivating wholeness.  KK’s intention in this class is to help you have the life you want, filled with joy, vitality and the physical body to pursue what you want.